

In the field of information technology, the term Chinese writing systems (中文 zhōngwén) refers to all the writing systems that are or have been used by the various minzu (for recording their languages) in China throughout history (Dai, 2020), and therefore does not refer to the national common writing system of China.

This concept is based on the writing systems used by various minzu in China. When referring to a writing system, the most common expression is to add the word writing system to the name of the minzu, as in the case of Mongol minzu using “Mongolian writing system”, Zang minzu using “Tibetan writing system”, and so on. Considering that the Jingpo branch and the Zaiwa branch of the Jingpo minzu use the “Jingpo writing system” and “Zaiwa writing system” respectively, which is also related to the fact that Jingpo and Zaiwa are different languages spoken by different branches of the same minzu, the word writing system is actually added to the name of the language.

Furthermore, even when recording the same language, different scripts have been used at different times in history. For example, the Old Uyghur script was initially used to record the Mongolian language, known as the Mongolian writing system with Old Uyghur script, which was later developed into the Mongolian writing system with Mongolian script, and in the early 1950s the Mongolian writing system with Cyrillic script was also tried out. Another example is that the Arabic script was used to record the Uygur language, known as the Uygur writing system with Arabic script, and in 1964 the Latin letters were introduced, known as the Uygur writing system with Latin script.

Further investigation reveals that even writing systems that use the same script to record the same language have developed different orthographies at different times in history. For example, after the Arabic script was used to record the Uygur language, people continued to improve its orthography, with the 1937 orthography containing 32 letters, the 1954 orthography containing 30 letters, and the 1984 orthography containing 32 letters, with the order of the letters also adjusted. In another example, the Modern Han script was used to record the Zhuang language, and later the Latin script was used, with the 1957 orthography containing 32 letters, and the 1982 orthography containing 26 letters.

Thus, in the context of Chinese writing systems, it takes three parts to accurately refer to a writing system: the language, the scripts (a writing system may use more than one script, e.g. the Han writing system actually uses Modern Han script, Latin script, Greek script, and so on), and the version of the orthography. The concept of script is the result of a reorganization and generalization of the textual elements used by these writing systems.

A List of Chinese Writing Systems

  • Modern Han script / 现代汉文字 Hani
    • Han / 现代汉字 zh-Hans zh-Hant
    • Zhuang / 方块壮字 za-Hani
    • Buyi / 方块布依字 (摩经古文字) pcc-Hani
    • Bai / 方块白字 bca-Hani bfs-Hani ▷ According to 白语简志 1, 段信苴宝摩崖碑 found in Eryuan (洱源) is regarded as a record of the Jianchuan dialect bca, and 词记山花·咏苍洱境碑 found in Dali (大理) is considered to be a record of the Dali dialect bfs.
    • Yao / 方块瑶字 mji-Hani ▷ According to 瑶族语言简志 2, songbooks written by Kim Mun people in Hekou (河口) are considered to be records of the Mien-Kim dialect Kim Mun subdialect of Mienic language mji.
    • Yi / 阿细彝字 yix-Hani ▷ According to 汉字和文化问题 3, the 彝语阿细方块字 (阿细字) was designed by the Christian to record the southeastern dialect of Yi language yix.
    • Gin / 喃字 vi-Hani
    • Miao / 方块苗字 mmr-Hani ▷ According to 汉字和文化问题 3, the 板塘苗字 was designed in Bantang village, Huayuan county (花垣), the 老寨苗字 was designed in Laozhai village, Huayuan county (花垣), and the 古丈苗字 was printed in 古丈坪厅志 for Guzhang county (古丈). They are considered to be a record of the Xiangxi dialect of Miao language mmr.
    • Hani / 方块哈尼字 how-Hani ▷ According to 戴庆厦文集 (vol. 5) 4, the 老哈尼文 (哈尼字) was used in Mojiang county (墨江) for the Hao-Bai dialect Haoni subdialect of Hani language how.
    • Gelao / 方块仡佬字 gqu-Hani
    • Chosen / 吏读字 oko-Hani ▷ According to 中韩人文社会科学研究 (vol. 2) 5, the 吏读字 is a collective term for characters used in multiple time periods, that is 吏头, 吏札, 乡札 and 口诀.
    • Tujia / 方块土家字 tji-Hani ▷ According to 土家语研究 6, 永顺县志 (1730) uses the Modern Han script to record the northern dialect of Tujia language tji.
    • Dong / 方块侗字 kmc-Hani ▷ According to 中国民族古文字研究 (vol. 3) 7, songbooks found in Longsheng county (龙胜) are considered to be records of the southern dialect of Dong language kmc.
  • Oracle-Bone script / 甲骨文字
  • Bronze Inscription script / 金文字 ▷ Specifically to the characters of the general Bronze inscription (一般金文) from the Western Zhou to the Spring and Autumn period.
  • Bamboo-Silk script / 简帛文字
  • Small Seal script / 小篆文字
  • Mongolian script / 蒙古文字 Mong
    • Hudum / 传统蒙古文 mn-Mong.hudum
    • ※ Hudum Alikali / 传统蒙古文阿礼嘎礼 sa-Mong.hudum xct-Mong.hudum
    • Manchu / 满文 mnc-Mong.manchu
    • ※ Manchu Alikali / 满文阿礼嘎礼 sa-Mong.manchu xct-Mong.manchu
    • Sibe / 锡伯文 sjo-Mong.sibe
    • Todo / 托忒文 xal-Mong.todo
    • ※ Todo Alikali / 托忒文阿礼嘎礼 sa-Mong.todo xct-Mong.todo
    • Daur / 达呼尔文 (达斡尔文) dta-Mong.manchu
    • rGyalrong / 嘉绒文 jya-Mong.manchu ▷ Found in 满蒙藏嘉戎维五体字书.
  • Soyombo script / 索永布文字 Soyo
  • Zanabazar Square script / 札那巴札尔文字 Zanb
  • Tibetan script / 藏文字 Tibt
    • Tibetan / 藏文 xct-Tibt.dbucan xct-Tibt.dbumed
    • ※ Sanskrit / 梵文 sa-Tibt
    • rGyalrong / 嘉绒文 jya-Tibt ▷ Found in 华夷译语, 嘉绒口语学习读本 and so on.
    • Pumi / 韩规文 (普米文) pmi-Tibt.dbumed ▷ According to 怒江文史资料选辑 (vol. 12) 8, classic books found in Muli (木里) and Yanyuan (盐源) are considered to be records of the northern dialect of Pumi language pmi.
    • Minyag / 木雅文 wmg-Tibt.dbucan ▷ The first author of 木雅藏语方言词汇 9 is a teacher in Kangding (康定), so the book is considered to be records of the western dialect of Muya language wmg.
  • sPungs-chen script / 大食文字邦钦体
  • sPungs-chung script / 大食文字邦琼体
  • sMar-chen script / 象雄文字玛尔钦体 Marc
  • sMar-chung script / 象雄文字玛尔琼体
  • Arabic script / 阿拉伯文字 Arab
  • Latin script / 拉丁文字 Latn
  • Korean script / 朝鲜文字 Hang
  • Tai Tham script / 西双版纳老傣文字 Lana
    • To Tham / 多塔经文 khb-Lana ▷ The Blang, Deang, Khmu and Bonmit use To Tham, but there is no evidence that it is used to record their languages instead of Tai language.
  • New Tai Lue script / 西双版纳新傣文字 Talu
  • Tai Le script / 德宏傣文字 Tale
    • Tai Le / 德宏傣文 (original, 1953 version, 1955 version, 1963 version, 1988 version) tdd-Tale
    • To Lek / 多列经文 tdd-Tale ▷ The Va, Blang and Deang use To Lek, but there is no evidence that it is used to record their languages instead of Tai language.
  • Tai Don script / 金平傣文字
  • Myanmar script / 缅文字 Mymr
    • Tai Pong / 傣绷文, 多绷经文 tdd-Mymr
  • Liangshan Yi script / 凉山规范彝文字 Yiii
  • Classical Yi script / 滇川黔桂彝文字
    • Sani Yi / 撒尼音节老彝字
    • Yunnan Yi / 云南规范彝文
    • Guizhou Yi / 贵州彝文
    • Universal Yi / 通用规范彝文, 通用彝文
  • Fraser script / 富能仁文字 Lisu
    • Lisu / 老傈僳文 lis-Lisu ▷ The Nujiang dialect and the Yongsheng dialect are encoded as lis, and the Luquan dialect is encoded as lpo.
    • Zaiwa / 载瓦文 (1989 version) atb-Lisu
    • Naxi / 纳西教会文字 nxq-Lisu ▷ The proposal L2/18-338R2 believes that the Naxi Gospel of Mark is used to record nxq.
  • Pollard script / 柏格理文字 Plrd
    • Dahua Miao / 大花苗老苗文 (滇东北老苗文), 大花苗规范苗文 hmd-Plrd
    • Xiaohua Miao / 柏格理小花苗文 sfm-Plrd
    • Waishu Miao / 柏格理歪梳苗文 hmz-Plrd
    • Hei Yi / 柏格理黑彝文 ywq-Plrd
    • Bai Yi / 柏格理白彝文 ygp-Plrd
    • Gan Yi / 柏格理甘彝文 yna-Plrd
    • Lisu / 柏格理东傈僳文 (框格式傈僳文, 傈坡文) lpo-Plrd
  • Naxi Dongba script / 纳西东巴文字 Nkdb
  • Naxi Geba script / 纳西哥巴文字 Nkgb
  • Kharoshthi script / 佉卢文字 Khar
  • Tocharian script / 焉耆-龟兹文字
  • Khotanese script / 于阗文字 Qa40
  • Old Turkic script / 突厥文字 Orkh
  • Old Sogdian script / 古粟特文字 Sogo
  • Sogdian script / 粟特文字标准体 Sogd
  • Manichaean script / 粟特文字摩尼体 Mani
  • Syriac script / 叙利亚文字 Syrc ▷ Found in 大秦景教流行中国碑.
  • ※ Ranjana script / 兰札文字 Ranj
  • ※ Siddham script / 悉昙文字 Sidd
  • Old Uyghur script / 回鹘文字 Ougr
  • Uyghur-Mongolian script / 回鹘式蒙古文字
  • Tangut script / 西夏文字 Tang
  • Sui script / 水书 Shui
  • Khitan Large script / 契丹大字 Kitl
  • Khitan Small Script / 契丹小字 Kits
  • Jurchen script / 女真文字 Jurc
  • hPhags-pa script / 八思巴字 Phag
  • Cyrillic script / 西里尔文字 Cyrl
  • Lisu Zhushu script / 傈僳竹书
  • Nüshu script / 女书 Nshu
  • Bopomofo script / 注音字母 Bopo
    • Han / 注音字母 zh-Bopo
    • Yi / 彝语注音字母 (1920 version)
    • Miao / 胡托苗文
    • Dai / 新平傣文
  • Rma script / 尔玛文字
  • Tuyuhun script (?) / 吐谷浑文字 ▷ Found in 大周故慕容府君墓誌.
  • ※ To Phak Kham script / 酸角文字
  • ※ Hebrew script / 希伯来文字 Hebr
  • ※ Tamil script / 泰米尔文字 Taml
  • ※ Bhaiksuki script / 信度文字 Bhks
  • Braille pattern / 盲文 Brai

A List of Symbols

  • pre-script symbols / 前文字现象
    • Liangzhu symbols / 良渚图符
    • Jiahu symbols / 贾湖契刻符号
    • Banpo pottery symbols / 半坡陶符
    • Ba-Shu symbols / 巴蜀符号
  • religious symbols
    • Mosuo Daba symbols / 摩梭达巴文
    • Namuzi Pazi symbols / 纳木依帕孜经书
    • Ersu Shaba symbols / 尔苏沙巴文
    • Minyag symbols / 木雅经书
    • Taliu Duoxi symbols / 他留铎系文
    • Malimasa symbols / 玛丽玛萨文
    • Jingpo leather symbols / 景颇牛皮文字
    • Xuanhan Tujia symbols / 宣汉土家祭司文字
    • Yunzhuan symbols / 云篆文 ▷ Found in 云篆度人经.
    • Fulu symbols / 符箓
  • pictographs
    • Jingpo pictographs / 景颇图画文字 (景颇实物表意文字)
    • Poya pictographs / 坡芽歌书
    • Babao pictographs / 八宝歌书
    • Miao Gebang pictographs / 苗族歌棒文字
    • Li Bamboo pictographs / 黎族刻竹木文字
  • cloth symbols
    • Miao cloth symbols / 苗族衣饰文字
    • She cloth symbols / 畲族织锦文字
    • Yao cloth symbols / 瑶族织锦文字
  • architectural symbols
    • Dong architectural symbols / 侗族墨师文
  • bone symbols
    • Changle bone symbols / 昌乐骨刻文
    • Shouguang bone symbols / 寿光骨刻文
    • southern Guangxi bone symbols / 桂南骨刻文
  • stone symbols
    • Dankou stone symbols / 丹口石刻苗文 (城步古苗文)
    • Leigongshan stone symbols / 雷公山苗文碑 (雷公山古苗文)
    • Gansang stone symbols / 甘桑骆越石刻文
    • Xianju stone symbols / 仙居高凉石刻文 (中央坑摩崖石刻)
    • Hua’an stone symbols / 华安仙字潭摩崖石刻
  • ancient symbols
    • Hongya symbols / 红崖天书 ▷ Found in 红岩碑.
    • Yelang symbols / 夜郎天书
    • Goulou symbols / 岣嵝碑文 ▷ Found in 岣嵝碑.
    • Xianju symbols / 仙居蝌蚪文
    • Cangjie symbols / 仓圣鸟迹书碑 ▷ Found in 仓圣鸟迹书碑.
    • Xiayushu symbols / 夏禹书 ▷ Found in 淳化秘阁法帖.
    • Cangjieshu symbols / 仓颉书 ▷ Found in 淳化秘阁法帖.
    • Jianghua Yao symbols / 江华瑶篆, 江华瑶族古文字
    • Chenshu Tujia symbols / 陈书土家古文字
    • Jiutian Gelao symbols / 九天书仡佬文 ▷ Found in 九天大濮史录.
    • Sawgoek (Sawva) Zhuang symbols / 壮族本源书 (花纹书)


  1. 徐琳, 赵衍荪. 白语简志. 北京: 民族出版社, 1984. 

  2. 毛宗武, 蒙朝吉, 郑宗泽. 瑶族语言简志. 北京: 民族出版社, 1982. 

  3. 周有光. 汉字和文化问题. 沈阳: 辽宁人民出版社, 2001.  2

  4. 中央民族大学中国少数民族语言文学学院 (编). 戴庆厦文集 第 5 卷: 汉语和非汉语比较研究. 北京: 中央民族大学出版社, 2012, p. 233. 

  5. 牛林杰 (主编), 刘宝全 (主编). 中韩人文社会科学研究 第 2 辑. 济南: 山东大学出版社, 2007, pp. 230-232. 

  6. 陈康. 土家语研究. 北京: 中央民族大学出版社, 2006. 

  7. 中国民族古文字研究会 (编). 中国民族古文字研究 第 3 辑. 天津: 天津古籍出版社, 1991, pp. 215-220. 

  8. 人民政治协商会议怒江傈僳族自治州委员会文史资料研究委员会. 怒江文史资料选辑 第 12 辑: 兰坪普米族社会历史调查专辑. 政协怒江僳僳族自治州委员会兰坪白族普米族自治县委员会文史研究委员会, 1989, p. 148. 

  9. 吉呷, 林强. 木雅藏语方言词汇. 成都: 四川民族出版社, 2023. 

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